Write a message that respects the line width
width = options()$width - 2,
prefix = "",
color_text = NULL,
color_prefix = color_text
Gaiman <-
'"Good point." Bod was pleased with himself, and glad he had thought of',
"asking the poet for advice. Really, he thought, if you couldn't trust a",
"poet to offer sensible advice, who could you trust?",
collapse = ""
#> "Good point." Bod was pleased with himself, and glad he had thought
#> of asking the poet for advice. Really, he thought, if you couldn't
#> trust a poet to offer sensible advice, who could you trust?
message_wrap(Gaiman, width = 20, prefix = "-")
#> - "Good point." Bod
#> was pleased with
#> himself, and glad
#> he had thought of
#> asking the poet
#> for advice.
#> Really, he
#> thought, if you
#> couldn't trust a
#> poet to offer
#> sensible advice,
#> who could you
#> trust?
width = 30, prefix = "-",
color_text = cli::col_silver
#> - "Good point." Bod was
#> pleased with himself, and
#> glad he had thought of
#> asking the poet for advice.
#> Really, he thought, if you
#> couldn't trust a poet to
#> offer sensible advice, who
#> could you trust?
width = 30, prefix = "-",
color_text = cli::style_underline,
color_prefix = cli::col_green
#> - "Good point." Bod was
#> pleased with himself, and
#> glad he had thought of
#> asking the poet for advice.
#> Really, he thought, if you
#> couldn't trust a poet to
#> offer sensible advice, who
#> could you trust?